Class Guidelines
The purpose of this CLASS shall be to support the growth of the Leadership Pasco Program; the CLASS is responsible for organizing a CLASS Project that will make a positive impact on our community; the CLASS is responsible for organizing a CLASS Skit to be performed at the graduation banquet.
Section 1. DESIGNATION OF CLASS OFFICERS: The Officers of the CLASS shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. TERMS OF OFFICE: Officers shall serve throughout CLASS year.
Section 3. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE- Any Officer may be removed from
Office by the vote of two-thirds of the CLASS at a meeting specifically called for that purpose.
A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by vote of the CLASS, by a majority vote of those voting at any meeting thereof.
A. President: The President shall preside at all CLASS Project and Committee meetings at which he or she may be present, to develop the objectives and work descriptions for the Committees and shall perform such further duties as each respective body may prescribe. The President serves as a liaison between the CLASS and the Leadership Pasco Board of Directors
B. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of that officer to act. The Vice President serves as a liaison between the CLASS and the Leadership Pasco Board of Directors
C. Secretary: The Secretary shall make arrangements for the recording of CLASS minutes of all Project meetings of the CLASS and shall certify the attendance records of the meetings.
D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures reporting periodically at each CLASS meeting. The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate account of bank deposits submitted to Treasurer & Finance Chairperson, Leadership Pasco and reporting periodically at each CLASS meeting.
Treasurer typically collects $5 per classmate per month to be utilized for
- Purchasing supplies for the SIMSOC retreat
- Host Alumni event
E. To transact necessary CLASS business in the intervals between meetings of the CLASS, and such other business as may be delegated to it by the Leadership Pasco Board of Directors. The actions of the CLASS Officers shall be binding on the CLASS.
F. Appoint Program Chairperson to organize the CLASS Project, submit project to the Board of Directors by January’s Board of Director’s meeting for approval, ensure the project does not conflict with present projects and goals of Leadership Pasco, and is implemented and completed prior to CLASS graduation.
G. To ensure that the CLASS Skit is organized and that it will be performed at the CLASS graduation banquet.
Section 1. CLASS MEETINGS: The CLASS Meetings shall be held at least monthly. Date, time, and place shall be fixed by the President.
Section 2. CLASS OFFICERS: CLASS Officers shall hold meetings at least monthly. Date, time, and place shall be fixed by the President. Any action, which may be taken at a meeting of the CLASS Officers, may be taken without a meeting if consent in writing setting forth the action so taken shall be signed by all of the CLASS Officers entitled to vote with respect to the Subject matter thereof.
Section 3. CLASS CHAIRPERSON: CLASS Chairperson shall hold committee meetings at least monthly. Date, time, and place shall be fixed by the Chairperson.
Section 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be called at any reasonable time upon the call of the CLASS Officers or the President or by a one-third vote of the members of the CLASS. Notice of a special meeting, which shall describe the purpose of the meeting, shall be e-mailed to each CLASS member at least five days prior to the special meeting.
Section 5. WAIVER OF NOTICE: Whenever a notice is required to be given, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to such notice. Any CLASS Member attending a meeting without protesting prior to the meeting or at its commencement such lack of notice shall be conclusively deemed to have waived notice of such meeting.
Section 6. QUORUM: The presence of one-third of the CLASS at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Once a quorum is established, a majority of the votes of those CLASS members present shall be necessary for adoption of any matter voted upon, except that CLASS Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at any election, or, unless the act of a greater number is required by law or these Bylaws. If a quorum shall not be present, the CLASS Officers present may adjourn the meeting until such time as a quorum is present.
Section 1. STANDING CLASS COMMITTEES: Standing Committees shall include the CLASS Project Committee, CLASS Fundraising Committee, CLASS Alumni Event, CLASS Skit Committee, CLASS Photography Committee, CLASS Historian Committee, and CLASS Website Committee.
Section 2. ACTIVE COMMITTEES: An Active Committee is any Standing Committee currently active, and, or, any short-term Committee appointed by the President of the CLASS.
The Leadership Pasco Current CLASS Organization shall follow published CLASS Guidelines, which shall govern the Current CLASS. Any provision of said CLASS Guidelines that is inconsistent with the Bylaws of Leadership Pasco, shall be null and void.
Section 1. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: All financial resources required for the Class Project, Class Alumni Event and Class SIMSOC Party are the sole responsibility of the class. Leadership Pasco, Inc. shall not be responsible for any financial liabilities created by the class for these or any other purposes without the express consent of the Corporation’s Board of Directors.
Section 2. BANKING: The class and its officers are expressly forbidden from opening any bank or other accounts in the name of Leadership Pasco, Inc., or on behalf of the class. Any funds collected by the class for its projects, party or alumni event shall be promptly transmitted by the Class Treasurer to the Corporate Treasurer. Said funds will be deposited and held in an account managed by Leadership Pasco Inc.’ Board of Directors for the benefit of the class.
Section 3. CLASS PROJECT. The class is required to propose to the Corporate Board of Directors a class project that is designed and intended to positively impact some aspect of Pasco County, and which requires a combination of financial contribution, sweat
equity, and continuing commitment after the class disbands. The project shall be the sole responsibility of the class, but must be approved by majority vote of the Corporate Board of Directors. The project shall be completed in its entirety by graduation, with the exception of the on-going commitment portion.
Section 4. COLLECTION OF FUNDS. To the extent necessary to fund its commitments described herein, class members shall promptly transmit said funds to the Class Treasurer. The Class Treasurer is charged with keeping and maintaining an accurate accounting of all funds received, and promptly transmitting said funds to the Corporate Treasurer. The Class Treasurer shall make a detailed accounting of all funds collected as required by the Class President and/or the Corporate Treasurer. Funds collected by the class for any purpose shall be strictly accounted for. The books and records of the class are subject to audit by Leadership Pasco, Inc.
Section 5. CONTRACTS. No member of the class shall have the authority to execute any contract binding either the class or Leadership Pasco, Inc. All contracts necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the class shall be approved by the Leadership Pasco, Inc.’s Board of Directors, and shall be executed by the authorized officers of the Corporation.
Updated September 2, 2012